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We provide the tools to access information about the water you use daily, right at your fingertips.

Unlike any of the current commercially available water tests, the Segura test provides a full quantitative report with expert advice from us water nerds within minutes. This includes a summary of the results along with information about acceptable thresholds for specific contaminants and practical information about them.


Based on these results, we make suggestions and guide you to make a comprehensive analysis of your water which then allows you to make informed decisions. That is, you get an expert water chemist in your pocket! If appropriate, we also suggest remediation steps as well as the right type of filter for your specific needs.


With our ever-growing network of water-solution partners, we are able to inform you about your best local water filtration company, the right agencies to speak to, and other relevant resources.

Join the Segura journey!

By signing up for our waitlist below, you will be among the first to know about the safety of your water. 

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